About a month ago, I opened up the middle section of this hive (Monkey 2). We hit some temps in the high 80’s recently and I noticed the bees were bearding more than the other hives. A quick look at the current two sections of the hive shows they could use a little more room. I decided to open the top section as a honey supper.

The temps have dropped into the low 50s so, I wont open the two lower sections, I want to add the upper section and when the weather is warmer, I will take some brood frames from the lower two sections and move them up.

Remove the Frame Support Rods

After removing the foam insert, I remove the three support rods from the top section.

Lift the Top Separator

I lift the top hive separator and give them a little smoke to clear the bees.

Inspect the Separator

I remove the separator and inspect it to make sure the queen is not on it.

It is unlikely, but I want to make sure.

Install the Queen Excluder

I install my queen excluder separator. Note that I make sure the queen is not up in the top section.

Reinstall the Support Rods

I reinstall the three frame support rods.

Install the Super Frames

I start installing my frames with wax foundations.

12 frames installed.

Install Rear Screen Outer Frame

I install the rear screen outer frame. When inserting the outer frame, I can use my fingers to adjust the frames.

Install Screened Insert

I then install the screened insert.

Secure the Rear Screen

I use a 3/8” wooden dowel to secure the rear screen assembly.

Catch the Bees

Only a couple bees leave the hive into the beehouse, so I use my bee vacuum and sweep them up. Later they will be added to the landing bord.

Reinstall the Foam

I reinstall the foam insert.


That’s it, the whole process took me about 7 minutes. It is supposed to warm in a couple days. I will open up the two lower sections and move a couple brood frames up.

Be sure to check out my Building a Slovenian Hive book series.
