Building My Slovenian Hive: Volumes 1 - 3
The first three books are the flagship volumes in the MySlovenianHive series. They are required to build the AZ hive.
Building My Slovenian Hive: Volume 1 - A Step by Step Guide to Building the AZ Beehive Carcass
This volume is 174 pages in 13 Chapters. It involves building the beehive carcass.
If you have purchased the book, you can download the BOM here:
Building My Slovenian Hive: Volume 2 - Adding Exterior Features to the AZ Beehive
This volume is 216 pages in 12 Chapters. It involves adding the entrance tunnels, front face, rear door and vents, entrance riser, entrance reducer.
If you have purchased this book, you can download the BOM here:
Building My Slovenian Hive: Volume 3 - Adding Interior Features to the AZ Beehive
This volume is 228 pages in 14 Chapters. It involves adding the two-piece rear screens, hive separators, and other features.
If you have purchased this book, you can download the BOM here:
MySlovenianHive Book Examples
The following are some example pages from Volume 1, chapter 4. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the page.
Additional Books in the MySlovenianHive Series
Building My Slovenian Hive: Volume 4 - Adding a bottom screen
This volume is 82 pages in 5 Chapters. It involves building the bottom screen and tray.
If you have purchased this book, you can download the BOM here:
Building My Slovenian Hive: Volume 5 - Converting Langstroth Frames to AZ
This volume is 190 pages in 10 Chapters. This volume will show you how to convert Langstroth deep frame components into AZ frame components and assemble them.
If you have purchased this book, you can download the BOM here:
Building My Slovenian Hive: Volume 6 - Making AZ Frames from Scratch
Status: TBA
Building My Slovenian Hive: Volume 7 - Building AZ Beehive Nucs
Status: TBA