In this article, I will show you how I install a new hive into the bee house.

The hive will be installed into the last position shown here. Notice the 2” thick foam insert I used as a place holder.

The hive is emptied of all the frames, support rods, and hive separators. I do this to make the hive as light as possible.

Note that I have installed hives by myself, but a helper really makes it easy.


If it is not winter, I like to install my new hives at night. I run an LED work light nearby. I not only do this for the light it adds, but to attract any bee that may want to see what is going on. Note that both me and my helper are protected just in case.

Note that most of my outside pictures look like they are taken during the day. They are not, I just have a real nice camera I use for my project photos.

Prepare for the Hive

The first thing I have to do is remove all the items I placed into the empty section.

Next, I have to remove the foam insert.

With the insert removed, I am ready to install the hive.

Installing the Hive

The hive can be slipped in from the front or the back. I find it easier to slide it in from the front.

I placed two wedges between the wall of the structure and the side of the hive to help hold it against the other hive. I like to keep them as tight as possible.

with the front of the hive flush with the other hives, I stuff some weather stripping on the top and between the hives to fill-in any gaps.

The side trim is removed, then reinstalled pushing against the hive to help secure it in-place.

Finishing Up

The hive separators and support rods are installed. The bottom screen is also installed.

Empty frames are added.

Rear screens are added.

Finally, the rear foam is added.


My next challenge is to install one of these two hives I captured in early spring into the new hive.

They both have AZ frames so it should not be too dificult.

Be sure to check out my Building a Slovenian Hive book series.