The support structure will need to support five three section hives. For this reason, I decided to beef it up.

I added 2 extra 2x8x10 joists and attached them to either side of the posts.

I then added an additional 4x4 post in the center.


The bottom of the support cross supports will be approximately 27” from the ground.

This will make the bottom of the actual hives sit about 36” off the bottom of the garage floor. This is 6” higher than the first bee house which I felt was too low.

I first attach some cleats that the cross supports can rest on. This will make attaching the cross supports much easier.

The four 2x8x10 joists are then attached to the cross beams.


The support structure is then painted with a high-quality exterior paint.

Note that I all the paint I purchased for this project was oops paint that I purchased a while ago from my local big box store.

Note that this is just the first coat. Later The whole structure and bee house will be given one or more additional coats.

Be sure to check out my Building a Slovenian Hive book series.